搜索 趣里

  • 日本剧歌舞
  • 东京无印女子物语
  • 关注女性贫困的作品《东京贫困女子》被改编成电视剧,确定将于今年秋季开播,由趣里担任主演,饰演一直致力于女性贫困问题采访的记者。  “本剧在采访贫困女性现实的同时,通过记者自己的视角与感受,突显社会矛盾和贫困问题的结构,以原作者中村淳彦的纪实文学为题材,描绘目前在日本扩大的社会问题的现状。”
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    Four young women are somewhat desperate in their relationships, since their male partners are not the most successful types. But does that mean you have to break up with them? In his fast-paced comedy, Santa YAMAGISHI takes a closer look at romantic clichés and the truths that lie behind them.
  • Four young women are somewhat desperate in their relationships, since their male partners are not the most successful types. But does that mean you have to break up with them? In his fast-paced comedy, Santa YAMAGISHI takes a closer look at romantic clichés and the truths that lie behind them.
  • Four young women are somewhat desperate in their relationships, since their male partners are not the most successful types. But does that mean you have to break up with them? In his fast-paced comedy, Santa YAMAGISHI takes a closer look at romantic clichés and the truths that lie behind them.
  • 怖い、見たくない、でもちょっとだけなら覗いてみたい。私たちの心をつかんで離さない怪奇の世界。第一線で活躍する人気作家が、実力派の画家とタッグを組んで、身近に潜む背筋も凍る恐ろしい話や得体のしれない不思議な話を書き下ろした絵本。見えない世界への畏敬の念や憧れを喚起させるような世界観は、子供にとってのみならず、大人にとって…
  • 本剧讲述了经历了音川真知佳(深川麻衣)在经历了恋人八田雪斗(小关裕太)的去世后,与突然出现的雪斗的前女友深井佐和子(趣里)因某个意外的缘由同居后的故事。